I saw these pumpkins at the Christian store last year, and I HAD TO HAVE THEM!!! Well, I actually had to wait to get them, but either way- I have them! :) I LOVE them!!! They are my only fall decor. I love them because they can stay out from Sept to Nov. They are not too Thanksgivingish, nor are they too Halloweenie, (we don't celebrate Halloween). AND the scriptures- PERFECT!!!

Oh, and be sure to notice the painting above the fireplace- that is there year round... it was another, "HAVE TO HAVE" item.

Don't you just LOVE them???
The pumpkins and the painting were purchased from Family Christian Stores.
i lovvvvve this blog!!! ...and your other one too of course :) im so sorry to hear about your sister's accident. that really reinforces how thankful i am to My AWESOME God that no one was injured. and you said the same thing as my husband...if i had been driving something smaller who knows what the outcome would have been. we are definitely sticking with an SUV. yesterday made me a believer in the safety an SUV provides!!