Since you have accepted Christ, what has been your worst form of persecution? Friends making fun of you, slander of you by all walks of life including people you love all the way to complete strangers, or distance between you and your family and friends. Yes, those are legitimate persecutions we face as Christians, but have you ever feared for your life? If you are an American, probably not. If you are a Muslim, (yes even in America), then yes you probably have- if you are not already dead.

We need to be fervently praying for this beautiful girl,
Rifqa Barry. She is 17 years old, and she converted to Christianity from Islam 4 years ago. Her family recently found out, and have threatened to kill her. She ran away and is in court right now to determine if she should be sent home to her parents. Of course her family is denying it and are coloring her as a normal hormonal teenager. "Honor Killings," yes even in America, occur... the media covers it up, or just ignores it all together. Also, there was a Facebook group of 123 people who said that if she comes home to Ohio, then they will kill her. FB of course took off the group, but that is just proof that Honor killings still exist.
Visit here and here to learn more.
PRAY PRAY PRAY!!! Not just for her, but for all of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ that are facing death for simply accepting Christ.
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