We need to pray, pray, pray for this family!!! Even if they announce divorce, or even if they get divorced, they can still mend their relationship.
Despite the obvious fact of them having 8 kids-two sets of multiples- do you know what killed their marriage? Do you want to know how to avoid their fate?
They put their kids before their marriage. Period.
You see we must put God first, Spouse second and children third. If these get out of order, trouble will occur!!!
In Mark 10:8, Jesus says, "AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh."
Where in the Bible does it say that we become one with our kids? NO WHERE! We are one with our spouses! They MUST come before our children!
Seems too easy right? Well, it is really. If we live our lives the way God intended, then life will be easier, (notice I said easier, not easy. Jesus promised life would be hard- BUT if we keep our priorities in order, satan will have a harder time bringing you down in those areas). :)
I fear we have become desensitized to divorce in this culture. It breaks God's heart, and it should break ours too. I am heart broken for Jon and Kate, and I hope you join me in praying for them.
Don't forget to enter yourself in the giveaway!
I couldn't agree more! We will be praying!